viernes, mayo 14, 2010

A new sport in my life!

I have a lot of thing to tell about my last days, because tomorrow I'll start my Golf Class in the Madridleña federation and I am very happy.

Sergio started the last Wednesday and he is happy too with the class.

But on Thursday my friend Miriam started her class with an special teacher whose everybody called Lucas but I don't know his real name. And he tought us gofl too.

Now my husband and I are very hook with it and we are going to try to get our handicap soon to play in Real Camps.

My buy about golf have been, one eyeshade (12 euros) a pair of shoes (50 euros) a pair of trousers (30 euros) ... and now I am looking for golf club (palos de golf, it is very expensive about 270 euros, but I think I dont have money now, Maybe the next June :)

I love this sport now!

martes, marzo 30, 2010

the next weekend

Despite going out, I am very tired but the next Thursday I am going to visit Murcia, it will be my first time and I will go with my friends Dany and Susan and my husband. We are going to visit three days a spa whose is near to the beach so, maybe we are going to the beach one or two days.

Our intention is rest a lot because we are very tired!

I would like to rest there and feel better day to day

sábado, marzo 06, 2010

Nothing change!

This year I hope everything change and I thought that the change was coming, but Febrery has finished and nothing has changed, my job, my live, my relationships and this is sad to me.

The last week I talk with my best friend about it and she said me that she felt the same, that something is going to hapend but the result is nothing until now.

Well, there is something that changed the last week my house is broken one more time, now is the heating, it's broken and the water of the heating fell down untill the house of my neighbor, soy now I am living in a hotel because I can't live in my house, so I can't use the heating. There is the only thing in my live that has changed

My live is boring and I am bored :(

Well maybe the next week I could talk about Portugal, I don't know

lunes, enero 25, 2010

New Year's resolutions

25 days ago, the new year started, I am happy because I have 12 mounth to do everything that I want, but I am worry because the last year I thought the same... And the years ended, maybe this year will be different.

The first thing that I changed of myself was my usually meals ( lunches and dinners) because I am going to eat organic food more and more everyday, I think the most importat its to be healthy into the body, maybe with this change I will feel better outside!

Other thing that I am changed it's my diarly schedulle, because now I start to work at 9 o'clock in the morning and not at 8 am, with this change now I think my helth will be better than now.

The threerd thing that I am changed it's my preference for the actually year, I would like to be pregnant and maybe in fews mounth I can say that I am going to be mum.

Well this photo it's about my last trip in London.

I was very happy there maybe in two month I go back wiht my husband

viernes, septiembre 04, 2009

Let's go!

Tomorrow I am going to visit NY and some cities of USA a few days, more or less 14 days. My husband two friends and I will get the fly on Sunday, at 14 hours!
We are very excited and some of the cities than we are going to visit are Boston, Washington and Atlantic city.
One of the most special pkaces are Niagara falls! close to Toronto, sergio and I am going to visit Niagara because he wanted to see the place.
But we are going to sleep in the Canada bank.
everyday I'll go up picture about my trip!!!

jueves, agosto 27, 2009

Sweet dreams

Usually, I try to rest everyday but the last month my body is very excited I think about my job or about my next trip. But actually I am tired about all my normal live.

Now I am thinking to change my work but we have an important global crisis, and my profile is very specific in my bank maybe I could recycle myself but I don't have time and I don't feel like to hard work... but I have to continue with my live and to make a choice, to make anything special, and to live my own live.

I am preparer to change my live in a few years I am preparing… the future is here, if I don’t see my future live I don’t have perspective to change.

Today I read in a piece of new one sentence “ if you want go out of your hole you must to stop to dig your hole” the meaning if you are inside you can’t see what it is outside of your on hole.

In the job, normally you have to continue working and working but sometimes you have to stop to see around you sit, your office your building and your city… there are more places more choices.

miércoles, agosto 26, 2009

I give stones to build a castle with you

This is for mon amour.. I usually forget how much I love you and I would like to send you a picture about you and me!, about our love, and our future... I need you everyday and everyhour in my live...